Thursday, October 23, 2008
Biofuel....Clean Enough to Drink
So a Swedish advertising agency thought that this would be a great idea to show how clean this airline's new biofuel is. Let's show adults and children alike drinking straight from the pump. I mean when I'm thirsty, and I mean REALLY thirsty, it's nice to know that I can just run over to the nearest pump and starting fueling myself up. If you notice in the first pic, the PeeWee Herman looking boy is soooooo thirsty he has to double fist the pump just to quench that thirst. In the second pic, the man doesn't want to spill any on himself so he's goin with the tried and true "drinking out of the hose" method. Finally the last picture, the kids are sharing, isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever seen? I think that this is the best use of advertising ever!!!

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Flygbuss is actually the bus that takes you from the airport to town, but the add is still pretty awesome! I actually prefer the thought that kids are drinking bus fuel, it somehow seems even dirtier than jet fuel. Buses make one think of hobos, shanks and urine. Yum Yum!
Hahaha, has anyone told the company making these ads that biofuel is in essence, ethenol?
So, they are promoting underage drinking...of ethenol.
Oh wait, that's what homeburnt is. Never mind, kids that age drink that here in Sweden anyway. Nothing new after all...hahaha.
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